- To Appear. Clemens, L., B. Fernández Merino, J. Rodriguez, & R. Tollan. When differential object marking is optional: the case of Copala Triqui. Selected Papers from NWAV 51, U. Penn Working Papers in Linguistics, Volume 30.2.
- To Appear. Clemens, L., J. Coon, J. Rodriguez, & M., Vázquez Martínez. Focus and word order in Ch'ol: A production study. In L. Clemens, G. Scontras, and V. Gribanova (eds.) Syntax in Uncharted Territories: Essays in Honor of Maria Polinsky. eScholarship: Open Access Publications from the University of California.
- 2022. Tollan, R. & L. Clemens. Syntactic ergativity as a processing-based constraint against crossing dependencies. Linguistic Inquiry 53: 459-499.
- 2021. Clemens, L. & L. Bickmore. The role of attachment height in explaining prosodic phrasing in Rutooro. Natural Language and Linguistic Theory 39: 803-842.
- 2021. Clemens, L. & R. Tollan. Syntactic ergativity as absolutive movement in Tongic Polynesian. In L. Clemens and D. Massam (eds.) Polynesian syntax and its interfaces, 89-112. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.
- 2021. Clemens, L. The use of prosody as a diagnostic for syntactic structure: The case of verb-initial order. In V. Lee-Schoenfeld & D. Ott (eds.) VP-fronting, Oxford University Press, Studies in Comparative Syntax, 63-95. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.
- 2021. Clemens, L. & D. Massam. Polynesian languages and their contributions to theoretical linguistics. In L. Clemens and D. Massam (eds.) Polynesian syntax and its interfaces, 1-10. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.
- 2020. Rodriguez, J. and L. Clemens. Tone lowering in nominal compounds of Copala Triqui. In H. Baek, C. Takahashi, A. H.-L. Yeung (eds.) Supplemental Proceedings of the 2019 Annual Meeting on Phonology, 1-12.
- 2019. Clemens, L. Prosodic noun incorporation: The relationship between prosody and argument structure in Niuean. Syntax 22(4): 337–377.
- 2019. Clemens, L. Mayan Languages. In D. Siddiqi, M. Barrie, C. Gillon, J. Haugen, & E. Mathieu (eds.) The Routledge Handbook of North American Languages, 365-396. Abingdon, UK: Routledge.
- 2018. Clemens, L. & J. Coon. Deriving verb-initial word order in Mayan. Language 94.2: 237-280.
- 2018. Clemens, L. and J. Coon. Prosodic constituency of verb-initial clauses in Ch'ol, In the Proceedings of the Workshop on Structure and Constituency in the Languages of the Americas [WSCLA] 20 (UBCWPL 43), 88-100.
- 2018. Clemens, L. Niuean nākai as a negative verb: Implications for the derivation of V1 order. In Festschrift in Honor of Lisa DeMena Travis. Montreal: McGill Working Papers in Linguistics, 78-90.
- 2017. Becker, M., L. Clemens & A. Nevins Generalization of French and Portuguese Plural Alternations and Initial Syllable Protection, Natural Language and Linguistic Theory 35: 299-345.
- 2017. Clemens, L. & M. Polinsky. VSO and VOS Word Order, Primarily in Austronesian and Mayan Languages. In The Wiley Blackwell Companion to Syntax, Hoboken, NJ: Wiley Blackwell.
- 2016. Clemens, L. ARGUMENT-φ: A Prosodic Account of Pseudo Noun Incorporation. In Proceedings of the 46th Meeting of the North East Linguistic Society: 217-226.
- 2015. Clemens, L., J. Coon, P. Mateo Pedro, A. Morgan, M. Polinsky, G. Tandet, & M. Wagers, Ergativity and the complexity of extraction: A view from Mayan. Natural Language and Linguistic Theory 33: 417-467.
- 2015. Lesure, C. and L. Clemens. Prosodic Boundary marking in Ch'ol, Proceedings of the Conference on Indigenous Languages of Latin America VII.
- 2014. Clemens, L. The prosody of Niuean pseudo noun incorporation: A recursion-based analysis. In J. Iyer and L. Kusmer (eds.) Proceedings of the 44th Meeting of the North East Linguistic Society: 69-82.
- 2013. Clemens, L. V2 in a V1 language: Kaqchikel SVO. In M. Kenstowicz (ed.) MIT Working Papers in Linguistics Volume on Kaqchikel, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
- 2013. Polinsky, M, L. Clemens, A. Morgan, M. Xiang and D. Heestand, Resumption in English. In J. Sprouse and N. Hornstein (eds.) Experimental Syntax and Island Effects, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 341–359
- To Appear. Clemens, L, G. Scontras and V. Gribanova (eds.) Syntax in Uncharted Territories: Essays in Honor of Maria Polinsky. eScholarship: Open Access Publications from the University of California.
- 2021. Clemens, L. and D. Massam (eds.) Polynesian syntax and its interfaces. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.
- 2017 Clemens, L. and E. Elfner (eds.) Glossa: Special Collection on Prosody and Constituent Structure.
- 2012. Henderson, R., P. Mateo Pedro, and L. Clemens (eds.) Proceedings of the 2nd Meeting of Form
and Analysis in Mayan Linguistics (FAMLi II), MIT Working Papers in Linguistics, Cambridge, MA:
MIT Press - 2011. Clemens, L., G. Scontras, and M. Polinsky (eds.) Proceedings of the 18th Annual Meeting
of the Austronesian Formal Linguistics Society (AFLA 18), AFLA Proceedings Project, University of
Western Ontario - 2010 Clemens, L. and C.M. Louis Liu (eds.) Proceedings of the 22nd North American Confer-
ence on Chinese Linguistics and the 18th Annual Meeting of the International Association of Chinese